Exam Nation FAQ’s

Have any questions?

Why Exam nation? How is it better than similar providers?

  • We use the latest technology and strive to ensure regular update by incorporating advances made in the technology.
  • Our fee structure is very competitive.
  • The online resources that are available to all registered students is the best in its class.
  • Courses are current and updated based on the need of the hour.
  • The tutor selection process is rigorous and exhaustive to bring you experts in the field of study.
  • Parent/guardian involvement in the academic progress of student.
  • The variety of teaching aids on Exam Nation promotes understanding for all learning styles.
  • Instant-messenger, text chat, audio and video chat, shared whiteboards, shared files, graphing tools, performance analytics and the ability for differentiated instruction are only a few of these tools.

How does Exam Nation assure quality of tutoring?

  • Tutors selection process is rigorous and exhaustive to bring you experts in the field of study. Each tutor has the appropriate qualifications and multiple years of success in teaching students in the respective area and curriculum.
  • Additionally, student, teacher and parent analytics will enable us to track student performance which can be directly mapped to student progress and teacher performance, thus helping us to take corrective action if necessary.

How do I prepare myself for Exam Nation tuitions?

  • Ensure that your computer hardware is compatible and ready for use. Link will be provided for you to test the hardware prior to class. Hardware required – computer /laptop, webcam, mouse, digital pen and pad, head phones with microphone and broadband internet connection that is capable of handling interactive video sessions. COMPLETE SUPPORT WILL BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES TO HELP YOU WITH THE SET UP PROCESS

How do I schedule my classes?

  • Classes will be scheduled for students. Personalized schedule and timings can be seen once the student logs in to his/her Learning Management System (LMS) account.

Will I be provided with online learning system management training?

  • We will provide you complete training and learning materials on using our online learning management system. In addition, special student induction sessions will be held to guide students through the process

Can I get my doubts cleared?

  • Yes! Each class is interactive where the tutor/student can interact by fielding their questions, responding to others’ queries, provide insights, etc, just like in any regular class room set up, albeit Virtually.

I have doubts in solving math’s/physics problems, how long will it take to get some help to solve them?

  • Support and help is available during class room sessions either as part of group discussion, or in breakaway rooms and one to one chats. Additionally, a student can request for individual time with tutors.

How and by when will I be able to cover the syllabus and how much time will I get for revisions and attempting previous question papers?

  • Course schedule is available on the website. Additionally course schedule and calendar specific to a student can be seen in their personal LMS account.
  • The courses also involve adequate time for revision and past question paper solving.

Can I get help with reference books?

  • E books will be made available to students who register for courses.

What sort of resources can I use while taking Exam Nation coaching?

  • NCERT Solutions
  • Previous Year Papers
  • Mock Tests
  • Sample Papers
  • Reference Book Solutions
  • ICSE/CBSE/IB Solutions
  • School Syllabus
  • Revision Notes
  • Important Questions
  • Formula Sheets (Maths/Physics/Chem) , are some of the many resources available.

Can I take the classes even while I am traveling?

  • Yes you can! However, you will need to inform and take prior permission from the program coordinator.

Can I join the session from my iPad or mobile?

  • Yes! But you need to do a compatibility check to ensure that your environment is updated and supports the LMS environment.

I don't check my mails frequently. Can I get all the class related information on my WhatsApp also?

  • No. You will need to check your mails and login to your LMS account regularly.

What if I don't hear the sound or can't see the screen for any technical reasons? Will the class get repeated?

  • Each class is recorded and is available to all the students registered for that class.
  • Online technical support is also available, should you face such problems

Can I check all my scheduled classes after logging into my account?

  • Yes.

Can I join the class by logging into my account or every time I have to click the link in the email?

  • You need to login to your LMS account and click on appropriate class scheduled for that time.

If I enroll for one year or six month program and then I didn't like that, will I get my money back?

  • No. Demo classes are scheduled for you to understand how classes are taken. We have a standard refund policy which will apply once you have registered. For details, please check our Terms of Service and Refund Policy.

If I don't like one teacher, can I request to replace the teacher?

  • The issues can be brought to program coordinator and appropriate action will be taken.

Will I study in a group or one to one?

  • Current classes are in one to few format. Should you want one to one sessions, please contact program coordinator who will give you the pricing and possible schedule.

If I study in a group, can I ask the teacher to repeat if I don't understand something but others understand that?

  •  Yes! Of course you can ask. Do note classes are recorded and you are free to download the same and go through the relevant portion once again.

How and what resources do I use to complete my assignments and have plagiarism check?

  • Each teacher who provides assignments to his class also provides guidelines and support as to how to complete the assignment.
  • Plagiarism checks will be done at the backend.

Will I have to pay separately to use Exam Nation learning resources?

  •  No! the course fee includes all the resources provided to you.

Do I have to be tech savvy for this?

  • Not really if know how to use a computer, you should have no problem getting used to the technology. Even if you are not, our training and induction sessions will ensure you are fully ready to attend our sessions.