How to Get Ready for School Faster?

How to Get Ready for School in the Morning?

Mornings are brutal for parents, especially when they have school going kids. The moment the alarm goes off, the house gets into a fast-forward mode. God forbid, if any day you snoozed through the alarm, then its complete chaos. This is the story of most houses, as getting kids out of the door is a struggle which most parents go through on a daily basis. However, there are few bunches of parents who ace the morning routine daily in a completely stress-free way. They have some tips to make kids ready for school faster and without much fuss.

10 Tips to get your kids ready for school faster:

  1. Arrange everything the night before:
    If your child wears a uniform to school, then the task becomes very easy. Keep the uniform, shoes, and bags ready the night before, which will save a lot of time in the morning. If there is no uniform, then choose the clothes the night before. Better consult with kids to avoid morning arguments.
  2. Complete homework before they go to bed:
    Make sure that kids complete their homework before they go to bed. Keeping a fixed time to study and doing homework works the best. It may be difficult initially to convince your child to do things on time, but it’s even challenging to expect kids to do quality work when they are in a rush.
  3. Keep a designated place for all the things:
    A designated area for items speeds up getting ready. It saves a lot of time in the morning when kids know exactly where to look for their things.
  4. Set alarms 15 mins early: 
    If you are a chronic snoozer, then set your alarm clock 15 mins early which will give a small ping before its time to get up.
  5. No screen time in the morning:
    It’s a common practice these days for parents to allow their kids to watch TV or phones in the morning. Often these screen times are used as a bribe for having breakfast or doing things faster, but gadgets are the worse distractions. Your kids will move out the doors faster only if you ban screen time in the morning.
  6. Simple breakfast:
    Choose healthy and quick options which give kids energy throughout the day. You don’t have to prepare an elaborate meal every morning to be a good mom.
  7. Plan your week on weekends:
    Check your kid’s school timetable and circulars. See if any project is due in the coming week. You will be able to buy necessary supplies on the weekend and avoid last minute run to the stores.
  8. Plan school lunch the night before:
    We can’t stress enough on the importance of planning things a night earlier. Mostly kids carry two lunch boxes to school one for short break and one for longer ones. You can easily pack dry snacks for the short lunch the night before, and for longer lunch breaks, you can do the prep.
  9. Cross-check everything before going to sleep:
    Check once again everything in case you may have missed anything. Double-checking never hurts; it helps you to avoid any big surprises in the morning.
  10. Organize yourself:
    Kids learn from parents, so be a good role model. Kids usually watch and learn. If you plan your next day a night before, kids will also get encouraged to do the same.

Final message:

It may seem like a never-ending to-do-list, but once you start practicing this daily, it becomes a habit and will help your child in the long run. Experts believe the morning rituals followed by people at a young age stays with them always, even when they move out for college.

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